Island Cottage

Island Cottage
"Isola" -island cottage in Maine

Friday, February 4, 2011

Easy Simple Elegant Valentine Dessert that Complements Coastal Valentine Tablescape 2011

Coastal Valentine Tablescape Dessert Idea February 2011

photo by karen m. comeau @
This dessert is a great complement to the Coastal Valentine Tablescape 2011 posted on February 3, 2011.  Easy, simple and delicious.  Here's the "How to Create" simple quick version:

Mix chocolate flavored cupcake mix (or flavor of your choice) and bake as cupcakes or cake.  When finished baking, allow to cool and then cut cupcakes or cake into small bite size pieces.  Set aside.  Mix together a whoopie pie frosting  (I used Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook "Celebrating the Promise" "Creamy Frosting" recipe as the start, but substituted the butter for shortening to make a lighter tasting frosting), (or any canned frosting if short on time) and then layer cake pieces in champagne flute with frosting (alternating to the top of glass). Last layer should be the frosting layer and adorn the frosting with a "sweetheart valentine heart shaped candy" with a message on it.  Tie a white grosgrain ribbon around the champagne flute for an extra touch.

 Serve and enjoy from karen @ and
jelly jar presentation for Valentine Day dessert
Alternate idea: substitute champagne flute for either a wine glass or mason or jelly jar (for a more casual look) and layer the cake and frosting same way as written above.  Serve and enjoy from karen @ and

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