Island Cottage

Island Cottage
"Isola" -island cottage in Maine

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Craft Drawer Gets Organized!

I woke up Saturday morning with the feeling that I wanted to accomplish "something" on my "to do" list but not thinking I necessarily was up for one of the "Big projects".  So I figured I'd tackle something that would benefit all of us as a family and leave me with an "almost" instant sense of gratification and accomplishment. Hence, the CRAFT DRAWER got DECLUTTERED and "RE-SCAPED". 
                                                               CRAFT DRAWER "BEFORE"
Drawer gets emptied...... "Where's all our stuff Mommy?"

Here's a quick overview of the how to:
First, I emptied the drawer of all its belongings and cleaned the drawer and purged anything unnecessary (ie. dried up old markers, pencils without erasers, old glue, etc.).
Next, I sorted everything into categories (ie. markers, paint, crayons, glue, playdough, etc.)
Then I placed everything into the same clear containers ( I used "AS SEEN ON TV" interchangeable square clear containers that had a few different sizes to them, but all can use the same lids)-- I found mine on clearance at a local "Dollar General".  I love them as they are all clear and contents are visible.  This is especially helpful with "little ones" in the house who are not yet reading but able to help with "clean up" a little. The clear containers make it easier for everyone to find what they want quickly and return it to its "rightful" home or at least that's the idea, right?

Then the fun part, ........ I placed everything in their new containers back into the drawer and WHA LA! Happiness is......... a cleaned, organized, decluttered and rescaped CRAFT DRAWER! Love that!

CRAFT DRAWER "AFTER"!.....Even a smile from the creative artist in the family!
Then the fun part, ........ I placed everything back into the drawer and WHA LA! Happiness is......... a cleaned, organized,and decluttered and rescaped CRAFT DRAWER! Love that! I was even inspired to tackle one more drawer, and did our "Junk drawer" that is a never ending "catch all" for clutter. Here's the result!

This time, I used a 2 layer organizing tray and again, placed like items with like items and found new homes for anything that didn't relate to the function of the drawer.

Have you cleaned out a junk drawer lately? 
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